Friday, August 30, 2019

Showcasing Harris

This year we are participating in the Blog X programme where we can choose something we enjoy to blog about.  Other people in our area are blogging about this too and we can connect with each other through our blogs.  Check out Harris's Blog X post.  You can see more work from Harris on his blog here:

For my Blog X I have chosen to draw all my favourite skate board logos. My favourite is probably the Spitfire mixed with Vans because Spitfire is my favourite wheel brand. 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Indoor Bowls

This term some of our students have been lucky enough to have weekly sessions learning to play Indoor Bowls.  This has proved to be a challenging and engaging sport for all.  The students are developing their skills so they are able to participate in a friendly competition at the end of the term.  Here is Jorja and Deklan having a go.  Look at the concentration!

Totara 3 Represents!

This term we have has a number of students from Totara 3 be involved in Grey Main School Teams.  Here are some of the highlights:

4 members of our class were members of the Grey Main Westamath teams and all had fantastic results.  Adison and Jacob were members of the Year 7 champion Westamath team winning the Year 7 competition.  Geordie was also in a Year 7 team which came 4th after a tiebreaker for 3rd place. Ayesha was a member of the Year 8 Westamath team who gained 3rd place in the Year 8 competition after a stressful tiebreaker.  What great results from out T3 maths whizz kids!

Yesterday the top Year 7 and top Year 8 Grey Main Westamaths teams travelled to Christchurch to compete in the Cantamath competition.  This is rather daunting with over 100 teams in each age group, in comparison to our local competition of 20 teams.  Well done to Ayesha, Adison and Jacob who took part in this.  The exciting news from this event is our Year 7 team, including Adison and Jacob, scored 90 points and were in the top 10 teams for this competition. This is the highest score a Grey Main team has ever got at this event.  Very proud of these learners!

ASB Netball Challenge
On Tuesday the Grey Main Netball team of which Katelin is a member, competed in the ASB primary school's local tournament.  After a nailbiting finish they took out the final.  Congratulations to this team.  They now will represent our district in the West Coast competition in a couple of weeks.  

Skateboard Ramp Project Stage 2

Earlier this year Totara 3 organised and ran a fundraising sausage sizzle to raise money for more skateboarding equipment in our playground.  We successfully raised over $500 and have begun designing a skateboard ramp that we are going to build together as a class.  With some of our money we also purchased a rail for the skate area and this week some of "The Skate Crew" installed this.  Very exciting to see results after our fundraising efforts.  Here is our new skate rail.

Showcasing Jacob: Persuasive Writing

Today we are showcasing some collaborative writing posted by Jacob.  Check out more of Jacob's work here:

Last week, our class created some persuasive writing about recycling. I was in a group with a friend or two and we created this piece of persuasive writing.


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Showcasing Ayesha: Hanmer Hot Springs Explanation

Today we are showcasing an explanation from
Ayesha. Check out more of her work here:  

WALT: Explain a scientific phenomenon

Hot Springs Explanation

Hot Springs, the natural spa the earth creates.
For the earth to form these pools, it may not be as much of a simple
process as you may think. There are so many things needed to get
our wonderful hot springs across our home, New Zealand.

So now I'm gonna start way back to the reasons why all this happens,
one being, The Ring Of Fire. The Ring Of Fire is a part of our earth
that's shape resembles a ring. Before we start thinking that this is a
literal ring of fire, let me explain first. It is an area which 90 percent
of the world's earthquakes occur. It is also the area of such where
75 percent of the world's volcanoes are located.
New Zealand is located right at the start of this ring.

With the ring of fire covering our small country, we are bound to be
affected. In the South Island we have what's called an alpine fault
line. The fault line is an area where tectonic plates crash against
each other, these two plates are the Australian plate and the
Pacific plate. Then because of the chaos underground, earthquakes
happen and thermal pools are possible.

So these last were facts that are the reason it comes to be, so now
let's start with the process of how they form.
Rain and snow falls down on the mountains in Hanmer Springs.
The said rain and snow goes through the rocks inside the mountains.
At least 2 kilometres underground the now water comes to form a
reservoir. It stays there and gets heated from the earth's core.
It either naturally comes to the top of the earth or is pulled up to the

So this is how it all works, how the thermal pools are made.
From the ring of fire to the alpine fault line, this is how the hot
springs are created.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Showcasing: Jasmine

Today we are showcasing a piece of work from Jasmine's blog.

Hello today I'm making an um... Interesting? luckily/unluckily story. Have fun reading (run while you still can)!

One day as I was sitting on my bed a yellow and blue monster appeared! Luckily it was just a chair and was half my height so I moved it and went back to what I was doing. Unluckily the chair brought it's friends and they all had swords! Luckily I just so happened to have a sword sitting against my bed so I picked it up and was ready to attack! Unluckily I couldn't beat them and fell over and accidentally tossed my sword across the room. Luckily my brain decided to work and I remembered that they are chairs that are half my height and aren't heavy so I picked the chairs up and threw them outside.

Thanks for reading my lucky/unlucky story. You should have a go at writing a luckily, unluckily story yourself!

Anyway if you would like to see some more check out my blog here: 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Showcasing: Madisyn

Today we are showcasing work from Madisyn's blog.  If you would like to see more visit her blog here:
This week we have been doing a street map description when we had to create a street map that shows a variety of geometric terms. We paired up to make a map and then made up our own street names.  Finally we had to describe our map using the geometric terms we had used.  Here is my map and description.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jake Bailey - An inspirational speaker

Here is a great blog post from Simon about an inspirational speaker that visited our school recently.  Check out more of Simon's blog posts here:

Today all senior and some junior classes went to see Jake Bailey in our school library. He taught me a lot because he had had cancer in 2015  and had a very inspirational and emotional story to tell us. It was amazing that he survived the fastest growing cancer on the planet!

One point that stood out was when  he was told he had 2 weeks to live that got me by surprise to think it could happen so quickly. It was very sad what he had gone through. One of the most gross parts was when he told us about a big metal spike going in his back to get bone marrow.

He told us that it was the best thing that had ever happened to him getting cancer!  This is because he learnt so much from it. I learnt so much from him and his story as well. He said that happiness and resilience are important skills that we should always practice.  He also said to get out there and make the most of every opportunity in life.

Here is a photo of him on the front cover of his book which tells about his story. Maybe you should read it. I hope you learnt something from my blog today. Bye.
                                                           Image result for jake bailey

Friday, August 23, 2019

Pumpkin Soup

Check out Luke's awesome pumpkin soup recipe. Check out more of Luke's work here:

This week on Friday the 5th of April we made pumpkin soup with our class. In 2018 me and my friends planted seeds in the school garden and one year later they grew into pumpkins. We harvested them last week to make the pumpkin soup. We got almost all of the ingredient from our school garden.
From our garden we got
8 onions
8 garlic bulbs
8 pumpkins

Then we went into the kitchen and started to make the soup in groups. Each group is responsible for teaching the next group what to do.When the soup is finished we are going to eat some and we are also going to gift some to some of our school neighbours to thank them for being great neighbours to us.

My opinion is that this is a great activity to do with our class we should do something like this again near the end of the year.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Amazing Adventures of Super Stan

Last term our school started rehearsing our bi-annual production.  This year our show was The Amazing Adventures of Super Stan.  Some members of our class auditioned to be in the show and were successful.  Putting on a show like this took many, many hours of rehearsals including weekly after school and also Sunday practices.  After weeks of practising the show was performed 5 times.  Many people said it was one of the best shows our school has ever performed.  Here are some pics of our class members who performed in the show.